Harley Davidsons reign supreme in the motorcycle world, necessitating regal attention for their maintenance and care. They call for vigilant riding and meticulous handling; otherwise, you might face both minor and significant issues during your journey.
One such problem is your turn signal not working. While it might seem relatively insignificant, especially if the rest of the bike is functioning properly, it could actually be incredibly dangerous, especially if you’re riding on very busy roads. As such, it’s important to fix it as soon as you find out.
However, before fixing it, you must first find out what is wrong. You see, several issues could contribute to your turn signal malfunctioning. You might have a disconnected wire or a blown fuse, among others. The problem will dictate the solution and the only way to find the specific problem is by troubleshooting.
In this article, we’ll cover all the possible issues with Harley Davidson turn signals as well as their solutions.
Harley Davidson Turn Signal Blinking Fast or Slow
While this isn’t something that happens frequently, it is possible. When the signal button is pressed, the lights begin bilking too quickly, which might be disorienting for the rider in the back. If not, the slower blinking rate of the lights makes it hard to tell whether you should make a turn or not.
There are two possible reasons for this issue. One of the reasons is that you recently changed the bulb flasher, which doesn’t support your bike. There is also the possibility of a burned light bulb, which blinks fast until it stops working.
There are additional factors at play besides these two that contribute to this issue. It’s possible that you overcharged the battery, and now the lights are overheating. Indicative of a low battery charge, rapid blinking can also be caused by an undercharged battery. This could also be due to a faulty power supply or a disconnected turn switch.
How to Solve This Issue
One quick way to solve this problem is to check the light connection. It won’t take much time as you can see the cables from the back of the light cover. If there is a loose cable, attach it, and the light will work fine. On the other hand, you can also open the light to see if the bulb is showing some black signs and replace it.
We don’t recommend opening the battery compartment since you can’t check if the battery is low or overcharged. Take it to a nearby mechanic, or disconnect the bulb connection to keep it safe from more damage.
Harley Davidson Turn Signal Not Working
This is one of the most common issues you’ll face with a bike’s signals, which happens randomly. Most of the time, people don’t even recognize this until they take it to a shop for tuning and the mechanic mentions it. This can be a troublemaker as you give the signal to take a turn; instead, the person behind you starts beeping because the signal is not working.
A blown fuse that needs replacing could be the cause of the problem. It’s also possible that the flasher unit is broken and needs to be replaced. The turn signal switch could also be the culprit, so make sure to check it. If the turn signal only activates when the switch is briefly on, it is broken. Aside from that, inspect the light sockets to see if the bulbs have been burned out.
How to Solve This Issue
While you can easily change the faulty flash unit, the rest require expertise. If you have spare bulbs, open the light, remove the faulty bulb, and replace it. If the problem persists, take it to a nearby shop, and they’ll fix the switch or the wire causing the problem.
Harley Davidson Turn Signal Not Flickering
The turn signals must flicker to indicate that you are taking a turn. If they don’t, it means there is a faulty wire, or the bulb is not attached properly. Even if the emergency light comes on, the bulb is dead, and it won’t blink or strobe. Besides this, your turn switch can be faulty, or you are using a lousy flash unit. Try turning your turn switch on and off to see if it does the trick.
How to Solve This Issue
Inspect the circuit connections to make sure they are all secure. This issue can arise if their connections are loose, rusted, or otherwise compromised. Verify that the connections and wire at the back of the circuit are properly connected. This could be due to a faulty connection between the flasher and the ignition switch; probe the connection between the two to identify the errant wire.
Unless the problem is with the flash unit, the rest of the solution won’t require a replacement. You also don’t have to visit a mechanic, as checking wire connections is not that complicated, especially when you have a Harley Davidson. Nonetheless, you might have to visit the mechanic if a wire is broken or burned.
Harley Davidson Turn Indicators Do Not Work
Broken sockets, a lack of ground, or a malfunctioning flashing unit are likely to blame for this problem. What happens is that the turn indicator won’t work, but they look absolutely fine from the outside.
Getting access to the repair panel and ground connection, as described in the manual, should fix the problem in short order. Some bicycles have two sets of indicators—one for right turns and another for left turns—while others have just one. It’s simple to set up a single light because there’s only one connection to worry about, but connecting two lights can be a bit trickier.
Whether you’re replacing a bulb, a wire, or a connection, make sure you do it right. If it isn’t addressed, the problem will likely recur in a few weeks. Prior to dismissing the panel, make sure the indicators are functioning as desired to avoid having to reopen it.
Harley Davidson Turn Signal Light Is Not Turning Off
This problem is a bit different than others as it is a mechanical error instead of an electrical one. Suppose you turn on the right signal, and upon changing it, the right light keeps blinking. This happens because of a canceling finger inside the switch or a broken clock spring. You’ll need to replace it since such a small broken piece is really hard to repair.
You can do it at home with the help of a repair manual, but we recommend taking it to an expert. This saves the hassle of installing the right part without causing other problems.
Test the Turn Signal
This is one step that you must do before looking for a replacement or making a change. Sometimes the problem is with the wire, and the mechanic, without any reason, changes the bulb to grab some extra money. The best way to avoid this is to check the wiring and see if all the wires are connected properly. Keep the manual with you, or open an instructional video to see if you are checking at the right place.
- First, identify the flasher location; check for it under the dashboard, the battery, or the steering column. If you can’t find it, check the manual and find it.
- The next step is to find out the wiring diagram of the lamp to check for the wire that provides power to the flasher. From there, you have to find the wire that goes to turn the signal switch allowing it to change the signal when you press the lever to the left or right.
- Grab a test light and connect it to the ground; switch on the ignition but don’t start the bike yet. Your bike will get the power to activate the turn signal switch to check whether the test light works properly.
- Back probe the wire connecting to the flasher and find the test light to illuminate. If you can’t find it, you’ll probably see an opening between the flasher and fuse box, indicating that the fuse box is blown.
- Again, back probe the switch wire; this time, do not turn on the signal switch. If the test light doesn’t flash, everything is fine. If it does, your flasher is at the end of its life.
Why Blinkers Are Important
Turn signals are essential to every vehicle as you use them to warn the driver behind you that you are shifting a lane or taking a turn. These are essential for safety and handy when riding on a highway and wanting to shift one or two lanes. Apart from shifting, double blinkers also indicate that your ride has some issues, so the driver behind you won’t honk or get angry.
The absence of these indicators makes driving more difficult, especially for motorcyclists. It’s crucial that you fix your malfunctioning signs as soon as possible to prevent any potential accidents.
Final Words
If you’re the proud owner of a Harley Davidson, you know how important it is to keep it in pristine condition. While some bikes may go for long periods of time without maintenance, this one needs care for even simple concerns like a few bulbs that are out. In this piece, we discussed some of the possible causes for malfunctioning turn signals and provided troubleshooting methods. If the problems persist, please visit a mechanic to avoid further damage.