Are cowboy boots good for motorcycle riding?

Are you interested in incorporating some style or fashion into your motorcycle riding experience? Cowboy boots are known for their toughness, but do they make suitable motorcycle boots?

No. Cowboy boots have excellent construction, and they are rugged without a doubt. However, while the leather will provide some abrasion resistance, the boot is not designed to offer the protection needed when riding a motorcycle.

Are cowboy boots good motorcycle boots?

There is some controversy regarding cowboy boots for riding motorcycles. You would have to agree the cowboy boot looks fantastic if you have the right motorcycle.

However, cowboy boots are designed for a different purpose other than protecting in an accident on a motorcycle. Cowboy boots are designed to be removed easily should the cowboy fall from a horse and get his foot stuck in a stirrup.

You will not get your foot stuck, but a loose-fitting boot that could come off if you have an accident is bad news.

The thick leather on a cowboy boot is around the ankle to prevent rubbing from stirrups. That’s great if you ride a horse but on a motorcycle, it serves little to no purpose.

Cowboy boot makers understand that most cowboy boots being sold today are fashion statements or a lifestyle choice that does not necessarily include ranching of any kind.

If you ride your motorcycle with cowboy boots, you will not have the protection around your feet to stop overextension and flexing the foot in an accident.

It is undisputed that the cowboy boot looks fantastic when riding your Harley, but looking cool should be a secondary consideration when selecting motorcycle boots.

Are any boots good for motorcycle riding?

Boots specifically designed for the motorcyclist should be worn for maximum protection.

The motorcycle boots primary function is to protect your feet and legs from injury. Why none of us is immune to injury: a good pair of motorcycle boots can prevent a minor injury from becoming a significant injury that will keep you off your feet for a long time.

The soles of motorcycle boots are stiffened sufficiently to prevent the foot from being forced in either direction in an accident. The rugged support also prevents ankle rotation from preventing breaking ankle bones.

If your chain breaks and whips the back of your leg, motorcycle boots will prevent lacerations to your lower leg.

The motorcycle boot is functional and practical and meets the budget of most motorcycle riders while not compromising on safety.

You will notice that many motorcycle boots have quick-release fasteners for ease of removing the boots, which give the boots a very rugged masculine appearance.

Motorcycle boots come in all shapes and sizes and have some striking styles that should meet the fashion statements of many riders. However, your motorcycle boots are not great for hiking or spending the day walking around the city due to the inbuilt safety features.