Are wheelies bad for your motorcycle?

Do you enjoy doing wheelies, but have observed alterations in your motorcycle, leading to increased wear on your chains and sprockets?

In general, wheels will not damage your motorcycle, but the good news ends there. Wheelies are generally sloppy. When you are at high revs, you snap the clutch out to bring the front end up and slam it down after the wheelie.

Do wheelies damage your bike?

If you are a seasoned stunt rider and know what you are doing, then a wheelie or two will not harm your motorcycle.

However, most riders who pop a wheelie do so when the opportunity arises and to be honest. They are pretty clueless as to how to do it properly.

Sloopy wheelies will wear your clutch plates and the clutch basket, a wheelie will place shock on your chain and sprockets, and the biggest sin of all is slamming the forks down with relief that you pulled it off.

Slamming the forks down often and heavily could blow a seal, forcing oil all over your brakes, a dangerous situation and an expensive repair.

How often have you viewed a video on Youtube where the rider gets it wrong and loops the motorcycle over? He almost destroys the motorcycle and certainly injures himself, not to mention the ongoing embarrassment when it’s posted online.

Is it against the law to do a wheelie on a motorcycle?

There is no legislation saying you can’t pop a wheelie in the UK! That’s amazing until you consider section 2 of the road traffic act 1988 deals with dangerous driving.

If the police catch you doing a wheelie on a public road or highway, it will be a good night in Vienna to get your driving licence. Not to mention the fine and the possibility of being rejected by many insurance companies in the future.

If you want to perfect a wheelie, you need to do it on a private road or track if it’s even allowed on a track day.

Why do bikers do wheelies?

Wheelie could be described as one of the joys of life that can not be missed. It’s about the thrill, the control you have over the machine and the sheer exhilaration.

It’s a great spectacle to see a motorcycle up on its rear wheel, and crowds love to see a wheelie.

What is the best motorcycle for wheelies?

You need a motorcycle with sufficient power to get the front of the motorcycle in the air, this will include a lot of clutch feathering, but it’s how it’s done.

Dirt bikes wheelie easily. They have a high centre of gravity and a lot of low-end grunts to get the front wheel off the ground.

Sports bikes are a good choice, just purely down to the power output, making getting the front tyre off the road.

Stunt bikes are an obvious choice to wow the crowds and your friends while popping a wheelie.